March 27, 2021 – April 16, 2021 in Shanghai, China @ Blue Collared
H27 Presents:
H27 is a boutique curatorial outfit currently collaborating with a variety of emerging and established artists – as well as venues in Berlin, Germany and Shanghai, China – in hosting art exhibitions. This time H27 proudly presents Jessie Lu’s solo show Tropical Malady hosted in partnership with Blue Collared.
H27 是一个独立策展机构,与众多新兴艺术家合作,在柏林和上海两地举办艺术展览。 次 H27 将特别呈现 Jessie Lu的最新个人作品展 Tropical Malady。
Tropical Malady by Jessie Lu
H27 is proud to present Jessie Lu’s first solo show: Tropical Malady. The title is derived from Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s eponymous 2004 film, and through her lens, Lu channels Weerasethakul’s surreal, dream-like sequences that simultaneously interrogate the fallacy of memory and pinpoint the ineffable nostalgia for a place you have never been.
This collection was captured with Lu’s first film camera, a Canon FTb previously left for dead as a bookend in a San Francisco shop. Lu reclaimed and breathed new life into it during her solo jaunts in parts of South China – including her hometown – as well as throughout Southeast Asia. Bifurcated along the dual narratives and mise en scene of Weerasethakul’s film, Lu includes both black and white and color prints in this series.
The damaged lens of Lu’s camera lends uncontrollable and subtle defects to the images comprising Tropical Malady, which approximate how she remembers the disparate moments: at times laden with tilts and soft focus, in others heavily saturated with light leaking through. One phenomenon of the human brain is that it retains a malleable, inevitably tainted record of feelings; to wit, the stickiness of a Thanaka painting, the smell of boiling rice in the back alleys, the unbearable heat. As such, Tropical Malady pays tribute to the beautiful delusion of memory and collective nostalgia for the tropics.
H27很荣幸地为大家带来卢婧个人摄影展《热带幻梦》, 标题来自于阿彼察邦·韦拉斯哈古 2004的同名电影,这位泰国导演的超现实主义风格对她有深刻的影响。她在试图通过相机捕捉如梦境般自然而无序的情景片段,探索回忆的可塑造性与脆弱性, 以及对陌生事物难以言喻的似曾相似感。
在旧金山居住的时候,卢婧在跳蚤市场意外获得她的第一台胶片相机 – 当时相机已残破不堪, 被当作书挡以15美元被出售。经过修补重获新生的Canon FTb 成为她独自旅行的陪伴,一起走过华南地区(包括家乡广州)和一众东南亚国家。
在《热带幻梦》系列中,失修的相机零件和长途旅行都赋予了这些作品不可控的缺陷和特质,这和摄影师对这些旅程的记忆有共通之处。我们的大脑并不擅长精确地记录与回放,时过境迁, 回忆无可避免会沾染新的特质, 失焦过曝, 旋转倾斜, 色彩变化。
这些片段并非精确的视觉记录,而是怀旧情绪的延伸 – 是闷热潮湿的午后,是两颊上粘稠的檀娜卡树浆,是深巷飘来的米饭香气, 是夜市此起彼伏的叫卖声。《热带幻梦》是关于南方的美好记忆与幻觉的回溯,以及对热带国度集体怀旧的致意。
Malady Melodies provided by Mimi Moonflower & Saucy
Mimi Moonflower
Usually excited about food, natural wine, disco & funk del mundo, Mimi Moonflower aka Dong Xi’s Dong is now on a quest for a good groove.
Mimi Moonflower 也是「東西」的‘東’,本身熱愛舉辦有好吃好喝和有音樂的活動,這位要繼續尋找深入骨子裡的groove了。
Saucy is an Australian DJ based in Shanghai and co-founder of the vaguely tropical sound collective, Club Paradise. Undeniably salacious in the mix, Saucy creates eclectic sets of days-gone-by disco woven with worldly house and idyllic pop grooves.
Saucy,驻上海的澳大利亚DJ,同时也是轻热带电音组合Club Paradise的联合创始人。他擅长复杂多样的风格,融合华丽的house和悠闲的pop节奏,为现场带来”不分昼夜“的disco狂欢 。
Sponsored in part by Jing A Brewing